My Manifesto

This is my manifesto. I wrote it in 2015. It was written as part of a workshop given by the incredible Jan Black.
It was intended to be a declaration, an intention, a rally cry for my clients. I drilled down a little more, "I want a manifesto that describes me and what I want to do for my friends, clients, colleagues and family." This was a great exercise to get at my why. The why that leads to my what.
My first stream of consciousness to describe who I want to be and what I want to do was this:

I am a creative catalyst. I empower creativity. I want to connect others with their gifts and talents. I want to create space for you to be you, which elevates the collective group. Through grace, kindness and joy, I want to help people be their best selves
Who are you in your group, team or family? What do you bring to the table? How do you show up each and every day? How does that affect those around you? Let me be your guide, your host. Let me create a clear space, an open table where the epiphanies happen, where the connections are made, where the creativity is inspired, where the work gets done.
The Peach Cheesecake Ranch was a kernel of an an idea back then. Jan encouraged me to write my manifesto about what it would be like to experience me and The Ranch. I had an idea of all of the elements that would be part of this retreat space and why I wanted to have them. That was it, the format for the manifesto came into shape.
I am eternally grateful for the feedback from Jan and the other workshop goers. And thank you to Nick Wheeler of Wheeler Bag Co. for his visual interpretation.
Come on out to see the space this manifesto inspired or let's just jam on your why. Give me a jingle, 503-805-0925 or shoot me an email.