Showing up for myself in Santa Fe
Do these three things...
How are you starting 2024?
What do you need? I got you.
Who do you want to be?
KEEP CALM and COOK with CHICCA (and Denise)
Play in the kitchen day!
I have a 30-year-old son!!!
Checking back in + five resources
My version of the Field of Dreams
Ahhh, summer. And some fun stuff.
What have you learned or gained during this past pandemic year?
This is how I feel, sometimes
How's your focus right now? And what are you focusing on?
I will make mistakes. And, I’m trying.
How are you?
Are You Becoming a Zoombie?
Virtual-ing Well
From Classic Denise —> Action with Intention
It really did start with a little Field Notes book and a Vision Board.
8 Ways You Can Supercharge Your Next Meeting.
Recipes for Gathering | Baklava
First day of school jitters
Recipes for Gathering | Doodlebird Icebreaker
Recipes for Gathering | The Unofficial Start
Working with, not against
Get some traction on your year-end goals.
The Ranch on the Road
This is how I stay sharp.
On being in alignment
Be like these two
Self-Care = Productivity
These exercises are game changers!
✅ New dates announced for the season of action 💥
Tools for productivity
I'm featured on a podcast! | Side Hustle School
Acting as if
Get focused, get clear, get sh*t done.
Oh my, what a year!
My Manifesto
I'm on HGTV!
Nature = Productivity
10 Tips for an Awesome Team Off-site
It really did start with a little Field Notes book and a Vision Board.
Having a bad day?
Dreams really do come true…I’m living proof.
Let’s just say, SH*T WAS DONE!
Your business idea is awesome and THREE take action steps to do right now.
Future Salsa in the Making
100 People Project | What do you need?